Kongsberg Digital Towers
The Kongsberg Digital Towers systems are increasing air traffic safety, while cutting down operational and maintenance costs.
The systems enhance optimal efficiency in extreme environments, while maintaining safety through remote tower implementation, digital tower enhancements and implementing other surveillance operations.
The Kongsberg Digital Towers systems have an open architecture that is flexible and adaptable.
The Kongsberg Digital Towers systems provide increased safety and situational awareness for the air traffic controllers, compared with current systems and out-of-the-window view, through high quality data, well-proven technology and domain knowledge. The system has low bandwidth requirements, providing panoramic images with high resolution at very low cost.
A robust and leading edge electro-optical sensor technology is part of the system - a direct spin-off from the world’s most advance military sensor technology. The Electro-Optical Sensor Suite (EOSS, consists of a rotating platform housing a visual and infrared 360° camera and a pan-tilt platform housing a visual zoom camera, a fixed lens IR camera, a laser range finder and signal lamp.
A real-time network technology that provides a true, open Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and inherent safety logic. Use of the international standard Data Distribution Service (DDS) enables a cost effective and flexible solution, specifically tailored to a customer needs and requirements. SoA and DDS are keywords in the future ATM Interoperability Infrastructure SWIM (System Wide Information Management).
A recording and playback solution is available, for incident reporting and training purposes.
The Kongsberg Digital Towers contributes to Avinor’s NINOX program - the world’s largest RTS program, starting implementing 15 airports in one control center.