The Board of Directors of Kongsberg Gruppen ASA has approved the financial statements for 2011. The group financial statements for 2011 are in accordance with the preliminary financial statements for 2011 dated 9 February 2012 and show a profit after tax of MNOK 1 430 and total equity of MNOK 5 484.
2012 is also expected to be a good year for KONGSBERG, cf. the description of prospects in the report for Q4 2011. However, for Kongsberg Protech Systems the uncertainty has increased, and due to changes in delivery schedules and delays in new orders, the business area's level of activity is expected to be lower in 2012 than in 2011.
The Annual Report for 2011 will be published on the company's website and notified to the Oslo Stock Exchange in April 2012, and the company's Annual General Meeting will be held on 7 May 2012.
For further information, please contact:
Mr Jan Erik Hoff, Vice President Investor Relations and Reporting Phone (+47) 32 28 83 30, Mob (+47) 99 11 19 16