Corruption poses a threat to the rule of law, democracy and human rights because it undermines ethical and moral values.
In a global perspective, corruption is the greatest impediment to social and economic development in the third world. It creates discrimination and impedes social justice. Corruption undermines fair competition and can cause companies to incur direct financial losses and destroy their reputations.
The corporate Board of Directors and Executive Management of KONGSBERG devote considerable attention to this topic. At KONGSBERG there is zero tolerance for corruption. Anti-corruption is an area in which we maintain constant focus on prevention, risk reduction measures and the identification of non-compliance.
Corruption undermines legitimate business activities, distorts competition, ruins reputations and exposes companies and individuals to risk. KONGSBERG is opposed to all forms of corruption, irrespective of which country we operate in, and will adhere to the Norwegian anti-corruption law, as well as other relevant international anti-corruption legislation.
KONGSBERG employees and representatives shall always consider the following:
- Could the activity involve any risk for corruption?
- Is it within the law and comfortably within KONGSBERG‘s own ethical requirements?
- Are the current activities transparent on both KONGSBERG’s side and the other parties’ side?
- How will the activities appear if they became public or known to law enforcement authorities?
Gifts and hospitality
KONGSBERG encourage our employees to build and maintain relationships with our Business Partners, and at the same time always be aware of relevant legislation and our internal rules for gifts and hospitality.
Sponsorship, Political and Charitable Contributions
Special caution shall be taken when assessing sponsorships and charitable contributions due to the potential for appearance of impropriety and any risk of corruption. Political contributions are not provided.
Lobbying and Political Expenses
All lobbying firms, as well as any KONGSBERG employees who are authorized to engage in lobbying activities on behalf of the company, must be duly registered as such and are expected to comply with all lobbying regulations under local law, including written disclosure requirements.
Any lobbying and political expenses will be transparent and can be found here (for US) https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying (for EU) https://lobbyfacts.eu/