Protecting critical infrastructure at sea

Critical infrastructure at sea is vulnerable, but we can protect it
Critical infrastructure at sea supports international communication, keeps the power on and props up economies. Threats to that infrastructure are increasingly common and becoming more and more sophisticated.

Protecting our infrastructure requires cross-border collaboration and a system that can surveil a huge area, correctly identify threats and has clear guidelines for threat response. We must be a step ahead by leveraging technology and creating a system that is robust, cross-sector and coordinated.

The Norwegian continental shelf alone consists of:

  • 8 800 km

    of gas pipelines

    8 800 km of gas pipelines

  • 93

    oil and gas fields

    93 oil and gas fields

  • A vast network

    of power lines and communication cables

    A vast network of power lines and communication cables

  • 85

    planned offshore windfarms

    85 planned offshore windfarms

We patrol, surveil and detect - from space to seabed

KONGSBERG is uniquely placed to deliver integrated technologies that protect every aspect of critical infrastructure at sea. Our systems occupy space, air, sea and seabed for complete surveillance and protection.

Surveillance of critical infrastructure

It’s not what we see, but what we don’t that matters.

KONGSBERG works with governmental, defence and private sectors to build joined-up solutions that operate across assets and borders. We evolve with new technology and the assets that we protect, to stay ahead of the threat.

Control room of a ship - maritime surveillance

Integrated Maritime Awareness

Combine all possible channels and data to provide complete and continuous awareness and support for decision making,

Vessel detection from space

Satellite monitoring of vessels for detection of both AIS-enabled vessels and dark vessels

Drone Detection

Detect drones, classify their threat level and identify pilot locations - either remotely or locally

Remote 360 Visual Monitoring

Detect and track all surface and air objects with high-resolution cameras, focusing on objects of interest

Patrolling Subsea Surveillance

Use autonomous vehicles to surveil critical areas on the seabed and in the water column, to detect potential threats

Fixed Point Subsea Surveillance

Fixed-point subsea sensors for detecting any anomalies.

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