Thursday October 17 the Integral satellite was launched. The satellite will be used to study some of the most extreme phenomena in space, and electronics from Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace are onboard.
The satellite is now in its orbit and it will be used to study objects like white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes and distant galaxies. It carries the most sensitive gamma radiation equipment that has ever been used in space. The satellite's orbit takes it outside of the Earth's radiation belt, and this will give long, undisturbed periods of observation. This will help scientists understand how stars are created and destroyed so that they can get a better understanding of the creation of the universe.
- We have developed the electronics in the circuit cards and have co-operated with the Physical Institute at the University of Bergen. We are also the only Norwegian company that has delivered equipment to Integral, explains Anny Bente Emmerud, Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.