Seatex DARPS Operator and Technical Course

After the course the successful participant is able to:

- Give an in-depth functional explanation of the DARPS system and its display windows

- Explain the fundamentals of GPS and GLONASS, computation of relative position data and the use of differential techniques to improve absolute position accuracy

- Perform general system maintenance and trouble-shooting


Electricians (ET), but also DP operators who need more in-depth system understanding.


Seatex DARPS Operator & Technical Course Descri...

Scheduled Courses

Courses with future dates

  • Date Duration Subject Location Price
  • 3 days Seatex DARPS Operator and Technical Course Aberdeen GBP 1840.00 Book
  • 3 days Seatex DARPS Operator and Technical Course Trondheim Seatex NOK 23000.00 Book
  • 3 days Seatex DARPS Operator and Technical Course Trondheim Seatex NOK 23000.00 Book

E-Learning courses

No e-learning courses are currently scheduled.