Kongsberg GeoAcoustics based in Great Yarmouth, UK have recently delivered their "GeoSwath Plus" combined shallow water multibeam and side scan system to various well respected research institutes. The system can be supplied in a wide choice of frequencies and configurations depending upon the intended application.
The Korean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) purchased a 250 kHz GeoSwath Plus COMPACT version which has already been successfully operated in shallow water bathymetry projects on vessels of opportunity.
The National University of Singapore (NUS) are operating a similar system at 500 kHz on a daily basis in a coastal engineering project - also from a very small platform.
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) have installed a GeoSwath Plus AUV version in their 4km rated autonomous underwater vehicle and already successfully operated it in several deep water projects.
Many GeoSwath users choose the system due to its easy portability. The 500 kHz transducer is only 13cm wide and 35cm long with a weight of just 10 kilograms – an ideal tool for mobile installations on small vessels of opportunity. The system provides high resolution side scan images and bathymetry data exceeding IHO, SP 44, Special order standards and also, in shallow waters, swath coverage of the seafloor of 12 times water depth or more.