Kongsberg Maritime and Simrad systems totalling 7 Million € chosen for two cutting-edge new research vessels.

Simrad Spain, the Spanish sales division for Simrad and Kongsberg Maritime has proven its leading position in the Spanish research vessels market by signing contracts for one of its biggest projects to date; the supply and installation of navigation, positioning and research systems on two newbuilds for the Spanish Oceanographic Institute (I.E.O).
The twin 45m research vessels are specifically designed for research on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal areas although both will call the port of Vigo home. The first vessel is expected to be delivered in December 2009 and the second, a year later in December 2010. Both vessels will be silent, in accordance with the noise reduction recommendations set out by ICES 209.
The first contract, signed with M Cies Shipyards (www.mcies.com) in Vigo at a value of 3,2 Million € (25,6 Mill NOK), is for the supply and installation on each vessel of the Kongsberg Maritime Integrated K-Bridge, VDR, K-Pos with C-Joy (Dynamic Positioning), Seapath 200, SSU (Sonar Sychnronising Unit), MDM400 (Marine Data Management), EA600 single beam echo sounder and navigation sensors. Simrad equipment is also included as part of this contract in the form of the multi frequency EK60 echo sounder, FS20/25 and ITI trawl monitoring and other fishery research systems.
The second contract, worth 3.8 Million € (30.3 Mill. NOK), was awarded directly by the I.E.O and consists of the supply and installation of an extensive scientific research equipment package on both vessels, consisting of the EM710 0.5º x 1º multibeam echo sounder, Simrad ME70 scientific multibeam, HiPAP 500 Acoustic Positioning System and TOPAS PS18 Parametric Profiler.
"We have a lot of confidence in our ability to execute this project successfully. Many of our engineers have experience of similar projects and in addition to the supply and installation, we have been supporting other companies involved in the project by working on areas such as the hull and blister design and the configuration for classification society fulfilment," comments Vicente Carrasco, Sales Manager for Subsea, Simrad Spain. "Our premises in Vigo, where both vessels will be based, will also be advantageous for our work on this project."