In Horten

Kongsberg Maritime opened the doors to its new training facility at its Bekkajordet, Horten, Norway site on August 30th 2007. The facility features two new classrooms and one specialised training room, which have been established to meet demand for customer and employee training as sales continue to increase in all of the company's product divisions.
Executive Vice President, Ole Gunnar Hvamb performed the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new facility, which joins Kongsberg Maritime's extensive world wide training network with centres at Aberdeen - UK, Busan - South Korea, Houston - USA, Kongsberg - Norway, Manilla - Philippines, Macae - Brazil, Singapore and the UAE. The company provides in-depth training courses on a wide range of disciplines from automation, dynamic positioning and navigation systems to process simulation, survey equipment and marine data management.
To meet the high demand for product training
"It is vital that we provide training for our customers' employees to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the sophisticated solutions that we supply. We are dedicated to making our training available to all who need it and this new facility at Bekkajordet will help us to meet the high demand for product training that we are currently experiencing due to the excellent performance of our products in the market," comments Hvamb.
Modern comfortable classrooms
Like all Kongsberg Maritime training centres, the new Bekkajordet facility consists of modern comfortable classrooms equipped with the same computers and consoles found onboard. Extensive computer simulation provides a realistic training environment ensuring that the students become familiar with system operation and the handling of emergencies.
"We are constantly looking to improve and expand our training facilities to ensure we provide the best service possible," said Anne Toril kasin, Product Training Manager, Offshore and Marine, Kongsberg Maritime. "More classrooms and upgraded facilities at Bekkajordet are just a part of our continuing dedication to ensuring that our customers can harness the operational safety and efficiency that our products provide."