Portable acoustic positioning system

Fugro Chance Inc of Houston, Texas has purchased the HiPAP® 350 Portable acoustic positioning system to be used in the demanding SSBL market in the Gulf of Mexico.
The HiPAP® 350P is a High accuracy SSBL/LBL and MULBL system with a range capacity down to 3000 m (9,843ft). The HiPAP® 350P is a compact transducer containing the transceiver and a High accuracy Motion Reference Unit. The Transducer can be tilted without extra calibration as the MRU automatically compensates for the tilt. It is designed to be mounted on a shaft over the side or through a moon pool.
About Fugro Chance Inc.
Fugro Chance Inc. is among the world’s most trusted and innovative survey companies. A wealth of experience, first-class performance, superior technology and service make Fugro Chance Inc the standard of excellence for survey quality. Fugro Chance Inc is headquartered in Lafayette, Louisiana with a divisional office in Houston, Texas. Fugro Chance Inc. has been part of the Fugro Group since 1991 with 10,000 employees in more than 50 countries.