Full mission simulator

The Faculty of Maritime Studies at the University of Split has awarded KONGSBERG with a contract for the supply of a full mission engine room simulator.
Engine modelled
The simulator models the engine room of a very large crude carrier fitted with a MAN B&W slow speed turbo charged diesel engine. The ERS-L11 MAN B&W 5L90MC–VLCC-IV simulator model includes facilities to run both fixed and controllable propeller. The dynamic behaviour of the simulator is based on real engine data and has a dynamic behaviour extremely close to the real engine response.
Model functions
The electrical plant includes two diesel generators, one turbo generator, one shaft generator/ motor, and one 180 kW emergency generator. The steam plant includes a D-type steam boiler, exhaust boiler, 4 cargo turbines, ballast turbine and condensing and feed water systems.
Simulator facilities
The simulator includes a control room operator station with a full set of panels and the local consoles and panels found throughout the engine room.