Nova Contract Opleiding &Training (former Nova College), located in Ijmuiden just outside Amsterdam, has purchased an extension to its Inland Waterway (River Ship) Simulator with a fourth bridge - (equal to the existing bridges).
Extended to meet training needs
The 1+3 Polaris Inland Waterway simulator at Nova C. was delivered late 2001 and will now be extended with bridge no 4 to cover the need for training and examination within the inland waterway/river ship industry.
High performance mathematical models
Polaris Inland Waterway simulators differ from the "regular" Polaris Simulator primarily on metric values versus nautical (rev. Km/h versus knots) etc. In addition the training within river simulation demands very high performance mathematical models enabling the right behavior with regards to currents, wind, drift, ship to ship interaction, etc., which are also of some importance within ordinary ship handling/harbor operations.
Increased safety
Kongsberg Maritime believes that this extension will be a strong investment equivalent to the initial Polaris Inland Waterway simulator in 2001. We are also confident that Polaris together with professional users will contribute to increased safety within European Waterways. In addition to this simulator, Nova College is also equipped with traditional "Deep Sea" Polaris Ships bridge simulators and Engine Room simulators.
World wide deliveries
Kongsberg Maritime has earlier delivered equivalent Inland Waterways simulators to training centers in Europe, North America and Asia - the latest delivery was to Vietnam.
Support program
The Kongsberg Maritime simulator equipment at Nova College is covered by the Long Term System Support Program enabling software updates and extended support package. The local support is provided from the Kongsberg Maritime BV located in Rotterdam.