To satisfy the positioning requirements from Hydro on the Ormen Lange gas field, Geoconsult AS has bought its second Hydroacoustic Aided Inertial Navigation system (HAIN).
Hydro has demanding requirements for accurate positioning at the Ormen Lange field, which is one of the world’s harshest deepwater seabed environments. In a gas production area with an extensive amount of seabed transport pipes, HAIN is a vital tool for improving underwater positioning. Geoconsult’s Business Development Manager Arvid Pettersen reports that the impressive experience with the first system made the investment decision easy for this second system.
The HAIN combines the Acoustic and Inertial positioning principles; which is ideal since they have complementary qualities. Acoustic positioning is characterized by relatively high and evenly distributed noise and no drift in the position, whilst inertial positioning has very low short-term noise and relatively large drift in the position over time.
The HAIN Subsea system solution is used for providing underwater vehicles with three times improved acoustic position accuracy and will also provide a higher position update rate.