Q4 2012/Preliminary annual accounts 2012 with WebCast

PRESS RELEASE: Profit and loss for Q4 2012 and preliminary results for 2012


KONGSBERG had a high level of activity in Q4 2012, with operating revenues of MNOK 4 209. This is 8.4 per cent higher than in Q4 2011. EBITA came to MNOK 480 in Q4, compared with MNOK 544 in Q4 2011. Click here for full report The Group was awarded strategically important contracts in Q4, and the influx of new orders was good. The backlog of orders was valued at MNOK 16 523 at year-end 2012, providing a good foundation for 2013. The preliminary annual accounts for 2012 show operating revenues of MNOK 15 652, compared with MNOK 15 128 in 2011, i.e. an increase of 3.5 per cent.  Click here for the presentation (pdf) 
EBITA was MNOK 1 985 in 2012, a reduction from MNOK 2 132 in 2011. The provisional profit for the year after tax was MNOK 1 320 (MNOK 1 430) equal to NOK 11.05 per share (11.93). Based on this, the Board of Directors proposes to the annual general meeting that the dividend for 2012 be set at NOK 3.75 per share (NOK 3.75), comparable to a dividend share of 33.9 per cent.


“Particularly Kongsberg Defence Systems had a high activity level in its major projects in 2012, and Kongsberg Maritime has shown significant growth within the offshore segment. Kongsberg Maritime has made significant investments in developing advanced offshore technologies, which gave strong order intake in 2012”, says CEO Walter Qvam. For more information, see the full quarterly report at: www.kongsberg.com and www.newsweb.no For further information, please contact: Jan Erik Hoff, Vice President, Investor Relations & Reporting Mobile: + 47 991 11 916


Ronny Lie, Vice President Corporate Communications Mobile: + 47 916 10 798