Product no longer sold, but supported
We will no longer sell this product and it is being phased out.
Single beam echo sounder, From shallow to 11.000 m - EA600
The EA 600 single beam echosounder operates up to four high power transceivers simultaneously. For improved performance, they are installed close to the transducers and linked to the combined display and processor with a single data cable. Available frequencies span from 12 to 710 kHz. A variety of highly efficient transducers is available to suit all your operational needs from extreme shallow water to a depth of 11.000 meters.

EA 600 Single beam echosounder data storage
The EA 600 has a USB port in front where a read/write CD-ROM or DVD can be connected. System software is supplied on a CD ready for installation, as are subsequent software releases. Data storage may also be performed via this interface.
Multipulse function
In deeper waters, the EA 600 single beam echosounder supports a multipulse function, which allows a higher pinger rate - and thus better accuracy than what is normally possible.
Passive mode - pinger option
The EA 600 provides an advanced and synchronised passive mode for depth measurements using a pinger. This pinger is normally attached to a device, with the purpose of tracking and displaying its current depth.
Remote control software for EA 600 - EA RDS
The EA RDS Remote Display System is a remote control viewer for use with the EA 600 single beam hydrographic echosounder. The software is designed to display a real time echogram from host computer and the data can be sent to one or more computers by network.
Services and support
24/7 Technical support
Our 24/7 technical support team is there to help at any time, day or night, wherever your vessel is.
Conversions, retrofit and refit
We understand the importance of having the right parts, available in the right place, at the right time.
Ensure that your crew is properly and thoroughly trained. This will reduce operational risk, downtime and maximise return on asset investment.