EPL is a software functionality available as a simple upgrade on your KONGSBERG AutoChief 600 (and AutoChief C20) with Digital Governor System (DGS) and on CanMan, Helicon X3 and Mcon propulsion control systems. The feature enables a vessel to limit its engine power when the pre-set value is reached, thereby helping operators keep control of their ship’s level of emissions in operation. The EPL upgrade is available for cargo and passenger ships to enable a swift and cost-effective compliance with the IMO’s EEXI regulatory measure.
Engine Power Limitation (EPL) solution was developed to enable vessels equipped with a Kongsberg Maritime remote propulsion control system to quickly and easily comply with the 2023 EEXI requirements by setting a limit to the allowable engine power in normal operating conditions. By making sure that the power limit is not exceeded, the system will regulate the ship’s fuel consumption to ultimately limit its level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during operation.
The functionality is available as simple upgrade on the AutoChief 600 DGS delivered with MAN B&W MC and Wärtsilä/Sulzer RTA engines. It is also supported by all engines delivered with CanMan, Helicon X3 and Mcon systems featuring load control.
Other solutions for EPL implementation are available for earlier-generation control systems (e.g.AutoChief C20, AutoChief 4). These may require additional upgrades or a broader system retrofitting in order to accommodate the power limiting feature and secure long-term compliance, operability and supportability for the solutions.
Installing EPL requires a software upgrade of the existing system. The EPL function is added in addition to existing fuel limiters.
A minor hardware add-on is required. The hardware scope includes a panel with an override switch and feedback indications. An additional I/O processing unit is installed to meet the EEXI requirements for EPL override and logging capabilities.
The functionality calculates the engine power output in real time. The system then compares the engine power output to the engine power limit and regulates the fuel index based on actual power. By limiting on actual power, the EPL function will not affect the engine’s operation under normal conditions (that is, unless the engine power limit is reached) - unlike a mechanical limiter which directly limits on the engine’s fuel index.
If a shaft generator is installed and should not be a part of the power calculation, the power limitation function can be set to limit engine power based on inputs from the shaft power metering system (ShaPoLi).
The override function allows the operator to exceptionally run the vessel above the pre-defined engine power limit in order to handle emergency situations requiring the use of additional power (reserve power). When overriding the power limit, the propulsion control system will provide default alarm outputs for logging and reporting of the event. For CanMan, Helicon X3 and Mcon installations, alarm outputs are communicated via the VDR interface to an external logging system.
- Solution embedded in the existing AutoChief, CanMan, Helicon X3 and Mcon remote propulsion control systems
- Electronic control on fuel index based on actual engine power (engine operation is not affected in normal conditions, unlike with mechanical limiters)
- Limitation of engine power based on calculated output power or input from a shaft power measuring system (ShaPoLi)
- No mechanical modification needed
- Minor hardware add-on
- Overridable solution
- Alarm outputs for data logging
- Supported by MAN B&W MC engines delivered with AutoChief 600 (and C20) with governor control
- Supported by Wärtsilä/Sulzer RTA engines delivered with AutoChief 600 (and C20) with governor control
- Supported by all engines delivered with CanMan, Helicon X3 or Mcon featuring load control
- Additional compliance upgrade packages including EPL available for systems of earlier generations
- Support ship compliance with EEXI requirements