Echo sounder transducers

We manufacture high-quality and high-performance professional transducers for all single-beam, split-beam, dual-beam and multibeam echo sounders.

Our transducers are used for products within:

Our high-quality transducers can be put to use with a wide variety of echo sounders. You can also use our transducers on third-party products provided that the power, frequency and impedance match. Typical applications include fish finding, navigation, hydrographic surveys, scientific explorations and environmental monitoring. Several frequencies and beam configurations are available.


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About our transducers

We design and build our own echo sounder and sonar transducers. These are recognized throughout the world as the pinnacle of hydroacoustic technology. The design and advanced electronics employed provide unlimited possibilities for electronic control of the beams around and below the vessel. The broad-band transducer elements enable the products to operate over a wide frequency range.


New transducers have been designed for the fishing industry and ocean science communities using the very latest technology. Connected to one of our echo sounders, our transducers are highly sensitive at any depth and capable of detecting even small targets below 1000 meters. New developments in design have also made our transducers more efficient requiring less power output. This compares favorably to other transducers which require up to 10 kW to achieve a similar performance.