
333 kHz compact depth rated wideband ADCP

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The CP300 is a compact and versatile ADCP transducer. It is fully integrated with the EK80 software and is synchronised together with other echo sounders.

Transducer features

The CP300 is a compact transducer with 4 beams in a Janus configuration. It can be run in narrowband (CW) or broadband (FM) mode across the full frequency band.

Typical installations

The compact size and light weight of the transducer allows it to be mounted on a large variety of platforms from large to smaller and even uncrewed vessels. The depth rating also allows the transducer to be installed on subsea vehicles and fixed subsea installations.

Key features

  • Depth rated to 1500 m
  • Nominal frequency is 333 kHz
  • Fully integrated in the EK80 system
  • Mountable on a large variety of vessels, including subsea vehicles and installations
  • The transducer is equipped with connector, and an open-ended cable is included in the delivery

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