A new era in ship design

Kronprins Haakon was the first Norwegian icebreaker 
With the design commissioned in 2008, Kronprins Haakon was the first Norwegian icebreaker designed for polar research, and the first purpose-built polar research vessel since Roald Amundsen’s Maud more than 100 years before. 

Wind farm operation is one of the few areas where we could achieve net zero emissions.

Built according to Polar Class 3 and meeting the Polar Code, the ship is used jointly by the Norwegian Polar Institute, the Institute of Marine Research, and the University of Tromsø, in the Arctic and Antarctic.

“Designing a research ice-breaker is not an easy task,” says Erik. “On the one hand, you need a silent vessel with minimum underwater radiated noise (URN) and bubble-free zones. On

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Fifty years young

The iconic UT-Design vessels trace their origins back to the mid-1960s and the Norwegian fishing industry, and early 1970s for the international offshore industry.

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