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KONGSBERG skal levere Joint Strike Missiles til Australia
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (‘KONGSBERG’) har signert en avtale med Australia på leveranse av Joint Strike Missile (JSM) til F-35A-kampflyet. Den innledende avtalen har en verdi på omtrent 1 milliard norske kroner.
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KONGSBERG åpner produksjonsanlegg i Sør-Australia
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG) åpnet i dag et nytt anlegg i Adelaide i Australia, som skal støtte australske forsvarsprogrammer for anskaffelse og vedlikehold av sjømålsmissiler, luftforsvar og fjernstyrte våpenstasjoner.
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KONGSBERG oppgraderer Forsvarets Bell-helikoptre
Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services (KAMS) har inngått en avtale med Forsvarsmateriell for å oppgradere Forsvarets Bell 412-helikoptre for å sikre at de kan fortsette å støtte Forsvarets spesialstyrker og Hæren fram til nye helikoptre er i drift.
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A paradise for those who love electronics
At Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG), you will find one of Norway's largest professional environments for electronics. And it's about to get even bigger. We are experiencing rapid growth, with many new and exciting development projects on the horizon. In the coming years, we will need more skilled electronics developers to strengthen our professional environment and contribute to value creation that supports our important societal mission – protecting people and planet.
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Norges ledende elektronikkmiljø vokser
I Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG) finner du ett av Norges største fagmiljøer for elektronikk. Nå skal det bli enda større. Vi vokser raskt og mange nye, spennende utviklingsprosjekter ligger foran oss. De kommende årene har vi derfor behov for flere dyktige elektronikkutviklere som skal forsterke fagmiljøet vårt og bidra til verdiskapning som understøtter vårt viktige samfunnsoppdrag – å beskytte folk og klode.
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Terma og Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services inngår samarbeidsavtale
Terma og Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services (KAMS) har inngått en samarbeidsavtale som reflekterer selskapenes planer om å samarbeide om militære vedlikeholdstjenester for luftfart (AMS) i Danmark.
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KONGSBERG to build missile factory in Australia
Den australske regjeringen har besluttet å investere i byggingen av en ny fabrikk for Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (‘KONGSBERG’) sine sjømålsmissiler i Newcastle, Australia.
- Success Story
Navier USN Autonomous Ship World Champions
The Njord Challenge 2024 took place at Havet Arena in Trondheim, gathering seven teams and their Autonomous Surface Vehicles for an international competition. Navier USN from the University of South-Eastern Norway emerged as this year’s champions, securing the title of World Champions in Autonomous Ships.
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Pushing the boundaries of physics on its journey to Jupiter
On the 19th and 20th of August, this complex manoeuvre will involve bending the spacecraft’s trajectory, slowing it down, and providing the necessary boost to fly past Venus in August 2025. This extreme manoeuvre requires precision and technological perfection.
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Revolve NTNU is the winner of Formula Student Netherlands 2024
Since its inception in 2010, Revolve has distinguished itself as an innovative and skilled team, consistently securing podium finishes year after year. However, they have never reached the very top and claimed an overall first place. Therefore, Revolve NTNU is extremely proud to announce that they have secured their first-ever overall victory!
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KONGSBERG signerer utviklingskontrakt for Supersonic Strike Missile (3SM)
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KONGSBERG) signerte i dag en kontrakt med Forsvarsmateriell for den første utviklingsfasen for det nye tysk-norske missilsystemet Supersonic Strike Missile (3SM).
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KONGSBERG skal levere fjernstyrte tårn til syv nye norske flyplasser
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (‘KONGSBERG’) har signert en kontrakt med Avinor om å levere Kongsberg Digital Towers til ytterligere syv flyplasser i Norge.
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A dream-job? We think IT is.
What would KONGSBERG be without seamless IT services offering global, 24/7 support? The company's growth necessitates changes in IT, introducing new expectations and demands for services, which in turn impact the required competencies. How is KONGSBERG IT gearing up to meet these challenges? A new strategic direction is on the horizon.
- Success Story
Navigating through waves of innovation
With the goal of participating in the autonomous sea drone's competition, AutoDrone in Horten, the student project Navier USN was founded in October 2022. Six months later, they were ready at the starting line to take on the challenge.
Showing 14 of 574 stories