Orbit NTNU - Student Organization Building Satellites

KONGSBERG is a proud sponsor of Orbit NTNU, a volunteer student organization educating tomorrow's space engineers. They build satellites with our in-house developed subsystems, hands-on experience, and devotion.

Orbit NTNU have created the best environment in Scandinavia to learn about the applications of space and satellites. Their engineers have the competence and expertise to develop space-graded systems that outperform yesterday's solutions in cost and performance.

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Built With Passion For Space

By being a nonprofit student organization supported by sponsorships, Orbit NTNU select missions themselves with the sole purpose of learning and pushing space to new heights. Orbit NTNU is setting a new industry example by proving how volunteer students can book a launch with SpaceX in their spare time and fly beyond what was thought to be possible.Orbit_Team_Picture.jpg

Learn And Innovate

Orbit NTNU is learning from the industry while innovating and building the most cost-efficient satellites. This is done by utilizing commercial parts for regular consumers and space verifying them ourselves.

Orbit NTNU are building and operating their own test facilities, enabling rapid iterations on hardware development while still conducting professional flight certification tests with our partners and sponsors. Therefore, their members have unique expertise in the whole development of spacecraft, from idea to development, production and launch, and operations.

Orbit NTNU are launching their first satellite with SpaceX this summer, and their second satellite will be the first satellite to leave Norwegian soil.Orbit_Team.jpg