Dedication and determination. Where would we be without it?

Dedication and determination. Where would we be without it? Not in the greatest depths of the oceans or on mars, that's for sure. Since 1814, KONSGBERG have combined industry knowledge with an entrepreneurial spirit. And since then, we have tackled issues that require world class innovation.

What we do
World class innovations cannot find life directly from the drawing board. That require deeper thinking, and exploration. Sometimes days, weeks, months, and years. Engineering, testing, fine-tuning. Even in some cases: The need of ideas and knowledge to be passed on through generations. The need for new partnerships and constellations. This is how we approach sustainable solutions from deep sea to outer space. While protecting natural resources and ensuring national security. With dedication and determination – together with companies and nations. To make something that lasts, and works all the time, every time. To protect people and planet by innovating technology today, for a better tomorrow.

Making it possible to explore the secrets of the deep

80 per cent of the oceans are more than 3000 meters deep. Most of these areas are still unexplored.

Reliable solutions that improve safety, security and performance in complex operations

The technology and solutions we develop and deliver to nations are key defence capabilities that contribute to the safety and security of nations and their citizens.

Arctic to Antarctic coverage

Our space and surveillance operations provide a diverse range of equipment, systems, and services to customers in over 40 countries, spanning both space and maritime surveillance domains.