Delivering quality solutions to 70 navies worldwide
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Editorial Team
Digital edition

Lisa Edvardsen Haugan,
President – Kongsberg Maritime
Your mission is our mission
Welcome to this special issue of our magazine Horizon, focused on the equipmentand technology we offer our naval and governmental customers.
Kongsberg Maritime is a provider of mission-critical products and systems to customers around the world.Our experience goes back more than 80 years and today we provide equipment,support and technology to 70 navies.
Our equipment can be found on all types ofnaval platforms. Kongsberg is a technology company, and we draw on a wealth ofexpertise to support the naval missions of today and tomorrow.
Decarbonisation and digitalisation drive technology innovations in the ocean spacethese days, and this is also very relevant for the world’s navies. They are embracingnew ideas for efficient operations, and there are interesting conversations betweennavies and technology companies like ours on how digital technology can bedeployed today and in the future.
In Norway, the Government has decided on an extensive newbuilding program ofboth ocean going and coastal vessels. It is interesting how they aim to learn from thecommercial sector and build standardised solutions across a large fleet. The thinkingis that this will lead to a more effective supply chain in the newbuilding process, thatcrews can move more easily between ships and recognise the same systems whenin operation. In addition, they see that the lifetime service operations of these vesselscan be better streamlined.
There is also notably more interest from navies wishing to improve theirenvironmental performance. Sustainability is an area where Kongsberg Maritime canenhance naval operations. For example, our products and systems drive downenergy consumption and emissions.
Kongsberg Maritime is providing equipment to some of the most advanced navalprogrammes. We’re proud to see our technology being selected for these mightyships and we’re dedicated to delivering highly capable products, backed byexemplary in-service support. Those 70 navies that put their trust in us do so knowingthat we understand their mission.